Thursday, January 29, 2009

Overcoming Intercultural Challenges to Entrepreneurship, Dr. Ryo Kubota of Acucela, Inc., February 13, 6:30pm

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
“Overcoming Intercultural Challenges to Entrepreneurship”
Speaker : Dr. Ryo Kubota, President and CEO of Acucela Inc.

Your Japan Young Professionals Group (JYPG) is very excited to present Ryo Kubota, Ph.D., President and CEO of Acucela, Inc. for our winter main event! Acucela is a clinical-stage biotechnology company that is commited to developing therapies for blinding eye diseases. Dr. Kubota will be sharing his experience in business with us, including the cultural challenges he faced in establishing his business in the United States from Japan.
In addition, our program will feature great networking opportunities with others sharing your interest in Japan, Japanese culture, and doing business with/in Japan. Yama Restaurant of Bellevue Galleria will be preparing some delicious food to enjoy - so we hope to see there!
DATE: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
TIME: 6:30 p.m. Registration, appetizers
7:00 p.m. Dinner
7:15 p.m. Presentation, Q & A
8:00 p.m. Networking
8:30 p.m. Event concludes
LOCATION: Yama at the Galleria, 550 106th Ave. NE #300, Bellevue, WA 98004
COST: $25/person for JAS members and $30/person for non-members.
Price includes sit-down plated dinner.
MENU: Appetizers - 3 piece California roll and Dragon roll
Dinner - salad, tempura, rice, salmon or chicken.
Includes soft drinks, coffee & tea. ~Cash bar~
PARKING: Convenient parking is located in the garage downstairs and will be validated for each person free of charge.
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 13
The Japan America Society would like to thank the Global Business Center, UW Foster School of Business for their generous sponsorship and support of this program.

Other sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please contact Rebecca Retzler at or call the JAS office at 206-374-0180.


“Overcoming Intercultural Challenges to Entrepreneurship”
スピーカー : Dr. Ryo Kubota, Acucela Inc.社長 及びCEO

ヤングプロフェッショナルグループ(JYPG) では、今年度初めてのビジネスイベントを開催致します。今回は、窪田良ご自身の会社設立までの経緯や、日本及びアメリカでビジネスをしていくことの難しさ、またそれらを乗り越える方法などについてお話頂きます。
経歴: 窪田良は 2002年に眼科系疾患の応用治療を研究する場として、バイオテクノロジーを中心とするAcucela Inc.を設立されました。同氏は、日本政府職員や多くの著名人を含む延べ1000回以上の眼科系の手術をご担当され、世界的にも有名な眼科医として知られています。深刻な眼科系の病気を世界的な視野で治療していきたいとの信念の下、慶応大学で広い範囲に渡り眼科系の研究をされ、その過程で緑内障の原因遺伝子であるMyocilinを発見されました。神経変性疾患の研究分野における先駆者として、ワシントン大学にて眼科系疾患に関する研究を続け、2002年にAcucela社を設立されました。
注: 講演はすべて英語で行われます。
日程: 2009年2月17日(火)
時間: 午後6:30 受付開始、ネットワーキング、前菜
午後7:00 夕食
午後7:15 講演、質疑応答
午後8:00 ネットワーキング
午後8:30 終了
場所: Yama at the Galleria, 550 106th Ave. NE #300, Bellevue, WA 98004
費用: 25ドル-日米協会会員様
メニュー: 前菜-カリフォルニアロール、ドラゴンロール, メイン-サラダ、てんぷら、ご飯、魚または肉ソフトドリンク、コーヒー、紅茶込み

駐車場: お車でお越しのお客様は階下の駐車場を無料でご利用頂けます。

ご予約: 予約締切日: 2009213日(金)

賛助 Global Business Center, UW Foster School of Business

本イベントへのスポンサーも随時受け付けております。 お問い合わせ・ご質問は、日米協会オフィス(206374-0180 、またはRebecca Retzler までご連絡下さい。

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shinnenkai Recap

Wow! What a great way to kick off the new year! We had over 90 people at our 2009 Shinnenkai! It was great to see everyone start the new year off right! Typhoon Restaurant was a great venue to host our Networking Bingo - as well as plenty of drinks and good food to go around. I mean, who hasn't shopped for business clothes at Uniqlo, right? C'mon JYPG. Give us some difficult questions, already!

We look forward to seeing everyone at our Winter event at Yama Restaurant at Bellevue Galleria on February 17th. Given his success, Dr. Kubota will be a great resource in regards to the challenges of doing business in the Puget Sound from Japan. See you there!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2009 JYPG Shinnenkai

The Japan Young Professionals Group (JYPG) is excited to announce our Shinnenkai. Please join us for an exciting night of delicious appetizers and interesting people. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and network with various young professionals who have an interest in Japan . We are looking forward to seeing you there!

DATE: Wednesday, January 21, 2009
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Typhoon! 1400 Western Ave. Seattle , WA 98101
COST: $10/person for JAS members and $15/person for non-members. Includes appetizers. ~Cash bar~
PARKING: Convenient parking is located in the parking lot right across the street from the restaurant or at the Public Market parking garage one block away.
Registration Deadline: Monday, January 19

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Rebecca Retzler at or call the JAS office at 206-374-0180.

Welcome to JYPG!

Be sure to keep an eye on this space for more news and information on Seattle's Japan Young Professionals Group (JYPG). We work closely with the Japan America Society for Washington State to create opportunities for young professionals in the Puget Sound to connect with their like-minded interest in Japan and doing business in Japan.