Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Speaker: Takumi Ono, Founder/President, Junglecity Network, Inc.
We are excited to announce our second business event of the year!
Takumi Ono will speak about her personal experience founding her own company and how being passionate and dedicated to her work brought her many opportunities to meet professional and creative people. She will also talk about how her story and experiences relate to young professionals and how Junglecity can best serve as an example for other entrepreneurs looking to find passion in work and life. is the award-winning Japanese language portal dedicated to providing the most extensive and up-to-date information on the Northwest. Since 1988, Junglecity has consistently provided thousands of Japanese with high-quality content updated daily, revolutionizing the way Japanese get information about our area.
Did you know that Junglecity was just launched in Portland? Join us for this interesting and informative event to learn more!
Please note: Due to limited seating, no registrations will be accepted at the door. All registrations must be made in advance and prepaid by credit card. We thank you for your understanding.
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Time: 6:30 p.m. Registration
7:00 p.m. Dinner
7:15 p.m. Presentation, Q&A
8:00 p.m. Networking
8:30 p.m. Event concludes
Location: O'Asian Kitchen & Lounge, 800 5th Avenue, Suite Plaza 1, Seattle, WA 98104
Cost: $25/person for JAS Members and $30/person for non-members
Price includes sit-down plated dinner. Cash bar.
Parking: Convenient parking is located in the garage downstairs. Validation is available. The entrance to the parking garage is located on Columbia Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue. Please click here for more parking information.
Registration: Deadline: Monday, June 22 or until this event sells out.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Rebecca Retzler in the JAS office at 206-374-0180 or
スピーカー : 大野 拓未(ジャングルシティ・ネットワーク株式会社 創設者・社長)
Japan Young Professionals Group (JYPG) では、今年第2回目のビジネスイベントを開催致します!
ジャングルシティは、米国北西部において最も充実し、最新の情報を届ける日本語 サイトとして賞を受賞されました。1998年より、ジャングルシティは画期的なサイトとして、これまでに何千人という日本人にこのエリアにおける質の高い、また、毎日更新される最新の情報を届けてきました。
**注意: 席数には限りがございますので、当日のご予約は承れません。ご参加をご希望のお客様は、必ず事前に予約をし、クレジットカードでのお支払いを済ませて下さい。
時間: 午後6時半 受付
午後7時 夕食
午後7時15分 講演, 質疑応答
午後8時 ネットワーキング
午後8時半 閉会
場所: O'Asian Kitchen & Lounge, 800 5th Avenue, Suite Plaza 1, Seattle, WA 98104 <地図>
費用: 日米協会会員様-お一人様当たり25ドル 日米協会非会員様-お一人様当たり30ドル
費用にはテーブルでのお夕食が含まれます。 ~お酒はバーでのお支払いになります~
駐車場: 階下の駐車場をご利用頂けます。チケットをお持ち頂ければ無料です。 駐車場への入り口は、5th Avenue と6th Avenueの間の Columbia Street沿いです。さらに詳細をお知りになりたい方は、hereをクリックして下さい。
ご予約受付締切: 6月22日(月) または、席数分まで。
スポンサーシップはいつでも受け付けております。日米協会のRebecca Retzlerまで、お電話206-374-0180 または、E-mail までお問い合わせください。
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